Modern Waldorf Lessons and Unit Plans
- CLICK HERE for samples before purchasing.
- Please note: our guides are not a complete substitute for your child's individualised homeschool program. Check your state's requirements for homeschooling.
CODE: 10Percent
PREP Term 1 Lesson Package
Lines Main Lesson (MATHEMATICS)
The Letters Main Lesson (ENGLISH/THE ARTS)
Nature's Magic (SCIENCE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Lines Main Lesson (Maths)
-Story sequencing
-Parts of a story
-Conversational reading
-Patterns and sequencing
The Letters Main Lesson (English/The Arts)
-High frequency words
-Language for interaction
-Non-fiction texts
Nature's Magic (Science/HASS)
-Letter recognition
-Initial sounds
-Days of the week
-High frequency words
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
PREP Term 2 Lesson Package
Blossom and the Numbers Cave (MATHEMATICS)
Grimm’s Tales - Fairy Tales 1 (English/The Arts)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Blossom and the Numbers Cave (Mathematics)
-Letter recognition
-Initial sounds
-Ordering the alphabet
-High Frequency words
-Counting to 50
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Grimm’s Tales - Fairy Tales 1 (English/The Arts)
-Letter recognition
-Initial sounds
-Ordering the alphabet
-High Frequency words
-Counting to 50
-Recognising and writing the numbers
-Classifying and sorting
-Letter writing
-High Frequency words
-Weight and hefting
-Floating and sinking
-Counting to 50
-Recognising and writing the numbers
-Classifying and sorting
All Units
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
PREP Term 3 Lesson Package
Pattern Secrets (MATHEMATICS)
Super Syllables - Fairy Tales 2 (English)
Colours of the World (The ARTS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Pattern Secrets (MATHEMATICS)
-2s, 5s, 10s and patterns
-Simple arrays
-Repeated addition
-Matching images to text
-Letter recognition (continued)
-Vocabulary building
-High Frequency Words
-Ordinal numbers
-Number formation (continued)
Super Syllables - Fairy Tales 2 (English)
-Chunking words
-Compound words
-CVC words
-Simple sentences
-Making simple graphs
-Chance and Data
-Ordering numbers
Colours of the World (The ARTS)
-Art techniques
-Capital letters
-Full stops
-Simple arrays
-Repeated addition
All Units
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
-Artistic work and music
-Book work examples
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
PREP Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Fairy Tales 3 (ENGLISH)
The Seasons (HASS/SCIENCE)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
Year 1
YEAR 1 Term 1 Lesson Package
The Number Gnomes (MATHEMATICS)
Adventures in Reading (ENGLISH)
Wonder, Wonder (SCIENCE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The Number Gnomes (MATHEMATICS)
-The four processes
-Journal Writing and Recounts
-Ordering the numbers
-Greater than/Less than
-Ascending Order
Adventures in Reading (ENGLISH)
-Reading strategies
-Journal Writing
-Addition Practise
-Subtraction Practise
-Division Practise
-Picture Graphing
-Doubling and halving
-2s, 5s, and 10s patterns
Wonder, Wonder (SCIENCE/HASS)
-Hands-on Experiments
-Literacy Games
-Number Patterns
-Time (O'clock and Half Past)
-Practise with the Four Processes
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 1 Term 2 Lesson Package
The Kingdom of Gold - Place Value (MATHEMATICS)
A Fairy's Tale - Sentences and Punctuation (ENGLISH)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The Kingdom of Gold - Place Value (MATHEMATICS)
-Reading Strategies
-Personal Letters
-Number Patterns
-Practise with the Four Processes
A Fairy's Tale - Sentences and Punctuation (ENGLISH)
-Reading Activities
-Personal Letters
-Wholes and Halves
-Addition and Subtraction with and without re-grouping
-Reading Activities
-Data Collection and Graphs
-Term maths revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 1 Term 3 Lesson Package
When you Measure (MATHEMATICS)
The Animal Kingdom (ENGLISH/HASS)
Food, Glorious Food (HPE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
When you Measure (MATHEMATICS)
-Units of measurement (formal and informal)
-The history of measurement
-Reading strategies
-Comprehension and understanding
-Alphabetical order
-Numbers to 100
-Partitioning numbers
-Addition practise
The Animal Kingdom (ENGLISH/HASS)
-Flora and Fauna
-Story writing
-Alphabetical order
-Formal measurements
Food, Glorious Food (HPE/HASS)
-Health and nutrition
-Well being
-Joyful movement
-Food celebration
-Report writing
-Speaking and listening
-2D and 3D shapes
-Termly mathematics revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
Year 1 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Story Village (ENGLISH)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
Year 2
YEAR 2 Term 1 Lesson Package
Firey Folk - Irish Tales (ENGLISH)
The Leprechauns of Tipperary (MATHEMATICS)
Plant Earth (SCIENCE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Firey Folk - Irish Tales (ENGLISH)
-Information Texts
-Visual Arts
-Numbers to 1000
-Inverse Facts and Fact Families
-2D and 3D shapes
The Leprechauns of Tipperary (MATHEMATICS)
-Information Texts
-Visual Arts
-Maths Language
Plant Earth (SCIENCE/HASS)
-Planet Earth
-Information Texts
-Visual Arts
-Earth Sciences
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
YEAR 2 Term 2 Lesson Package
The King of Ireland's Son - Punctuation (ENGLISH/VISUAL ARTS)
Trading Treasure - (MATHS/HASS)
Celtic Folklore (HASS/English/Visual Arts)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The King of Ireland's Son - (Punctuation)
-Text Types/Purposes
-Visual Arts
-Number Patterns
-Multiplication Strategies
-Ordinal Numbers
-Quick Number Facts
Trading Treasure - (MATHS/HASS)
-Australian Money and Trade
-Nouns, verbs and adjectives
-Visual Arts
-Volume and Capacity
-Maths mentals
-Four operations practise
Celtic Folklore (HASS/English/Visual Arts)
-Books and illustrations
-Character Study
-Compound Sentences
-Spelling Revisions
-Punctuation Revision
-Money Investigation
-Rounding to the Nearest 10
-Maths Term Revision
All Units
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
YEAR 2 Term 3 Lesson Package
Symmetry (Mathematics/The Arts/Science)
Australian Indigenous Tales (English/HASS)
Force and Motion (Science)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Symmetry (Mathematics/The Arts/Science)
-Flip, slide, turn
-Responding to texts, plays and scripts
-Missing add-ends
-Ordering numbers to 1000
Australian Indigenous Tales (English/HASS)
-Australian Indigenous stories and culture
-Listening and speaking
-Visual arts
-Compound Sentences
-Multiplication and division
Force and Motion (Science)
-Push and pull
-Design, create, complete and evaluate simple experiments
-Subject and predicate
-Speech marks
-Multiplication patterns
-The months
All Units
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
Year 2 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
The Saints (English)
Australia (HASS/The Arts)
Home Economics/Cooking (HPE/Science/Design)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
Year 3
YEAR 3 Term 1 Lesson Package
Creation Stories (ENGLISH)
Mathematical Minds (MATHEMATICS)
Chemistry 1 (SCIENCE)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Creation Stories (ENGLISH)
-Tense, Paraphrasing
-Writing Recounts
-Visual Arts
-Odds and Evens
-Numbers up to 10, 000
-Units of measurement
Mathematical Minds (MATHEMATICS)
-Mathematical Minds - Mental Arithmetic
-Writing Recounts
-Numbers up to 10, 000
-Units of measurement
-Converting Measurements
-Short Measurement Investigations
Chemistry 1 (SCIENCE)
-Chemistry 1 (Science)
-Mood in literature
-Games of chance
-Number Sense
-Termly revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 3 Term 2 Lesson Package
Hebrew Stories 1 (ENGLISH)
Fantastic Fractions (MATHEMATICS)
Farms and Forests (HASS/Science/Technology)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Hebrew Stories 1 (ENGLISH)
-Annotated Comprehension
-Subtraction with regrouping revision
-Relationships between multiplication and division
-2 Step Word Problems
Fantastic Fractions (MATHEMATICS)
-Dialogue and speech
-Graphs and Data
-Quick maths mentals
-Multiplication Practise
Farms and Forests (HASS/Science/Technology)
-Dialogue and speech
-Graphs and Data
-Number Sense
-Multiplication Practise
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 3 Term 3 Lesson Package
Hebrew Stories 2 (ENGLISH)
Homes and Shelters (STEAM/Design and Technology/HASS)
Computers (Digital Technology)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Hebrew Stories 2 (ENGLISH)
-Story study
-Point of view
-Spelling and grammar
-Time to the minute
Homes and Shelters (STEAM/Design and Technology/HASS)
-Designing shelters and homes
-History of dwellings
-Spelling and grammar
-Annotated comprehension
-Short story study
-Four operations practise
-AM and PM
-Word problems
Computers (Digital Technology)
-History of computers
-Digital systems
-Spelling and grammar
-Short story study
-Point of view
-24 hour time
-Termly revision: mathematics
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
-Original stories and poems
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
Year 3 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Hebrew Tales (English)
Robotics (Digital Technology)
Growth Mindset (HPE)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
Year 4
YEAR 4 Term 1 Lesson Package
Of Gods and Giants - Norse Mythology (ENGLISH)
The Animal Kingdom (SCIENCE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Of Gods and Giants - Norse Mythology (ENGLISH)
-Linking Devices
-Norse Myths and Legends
-Art and Design
-Speaking and Listening
-Point of View
-Numbers to 10, 000
-Using a calculator
-Mathematics Strategies
-STEAM (Science, Technology, Art and Engineering)
-Persuasive Speeches
The Animal Kingdom (SCIENCE/HASS)
-Animal Classifications
-Food Webs
-Food Chains
-Life Cycles
-Local Flora and Fauna
-Field Sketching
-Persuasive Texts
-Active Listening
-Money and Budgeting
-Calculator Practice
-Chance and Data
-Maths Mentals
-Investigation: 'Planning Ahead.'
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
Year 4 Term 2 Lesson Package
The Vikings - Norse Mythology (HASS/Digital Technology)
The World of DATA (Mathematics/Design/Science)
Local and Indigenous Geography (HASS/Health)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The Vikings - Norse Mythology (HASS/Digital Technology)
-Investigate people, places and events
-History and timelines of the Vikings
-Framing questions
-In depth study
-Story and film analysis
-Writing prompts
-Noun and verb groups
-Equivalent Fractions
-Mixed Numbers
-Multiplying and dividing large numbers
-Mathematics practice (rounding and calculator work)
The World of DATA (Mathematics/Design/Science)
-Types of Graphs
-Graph Reading
-Fair Tests
-Chance and Events
-Data Collection
-Creative and expressive writing
-Noun and verb groups
-Fractions and decimals
-Number lines
-Missing add-ends
Local and Indigenous Geography (HASS/Health)
-Local Maps
-Indigenous maps
-Distribution Maps
-Australian States and Territories
-Indigenous Stories
-Literary responses
-Maths Investigation (real world)
-Maths Revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
Year 4 Term 3 Lesson Package
The Vikings 2 - Norse Myths and Legends (English/Drama)
The Material World (Science/Design and Technology)
My Story (Visual Arts/HASS/Maths/Health)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The Vikings 2 - Norse Myths and Legends (English/Drama)
- Story crafting
- Story telling and retelling
- Oral and dramatic performances
- Writing a biography: structure and textural features
- Reading
- Typing
- Spelling: long vowels in multisyllabic words
- Rounding to the nearest 5c
- Maths Investigation: Finance and budgeting
- Maths Mentals
The Material World (Science/Design and Technology)
- Sustainability
- Occupations
- Properties and fibres
- Systems, tools, equipment
- Design
- Rounding to the nearest 5c
- Giving Change
- Working with a calculator
- Multiplication practise
- Writing a biography: structure and textural features
- Spelling
- Modern Cursive
My Story (Visual Arts/HASS/Maths/Health)
- Cultural artworks
- Visual conventions
- Artistic responses
- Personal responses
- Regular and irregular shapes
- Symmetry
- Presenting and discussing
- AM and PM Problems
- Angles
- Multiplication practise
- Spelling
- Modern Cursive
- Punctuation Review
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
Year 4 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Introduction to Japanese (Languages/HASS)
Human Biology (Science/HPE)
Performing Arts (The Arts)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
YEAR 5 Term 1 Lesson Package
Greek Mythology 1 (English/HASS)
Indigenous Games (HPE/Languages)
The Milky Way (Science)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Greek Mythology 1 (English/HASS)
-Myths and Legends
-Greek and Latin root words/prefixes/suffixes
-Identify themes in stories
-Creative writing
-Non-fiction Texts
-Maths Investigations
Indigenous Games (HPE/Languages)
-Physical Indigenous games
-Local Indigenous languages within games and social settings
-Specialised movements and ball sports
-Participating in cultural activities
-Non-fiction Texts
-Volume and Capacity
-Outcomes and Fractions
The Milky Way (Science)
-The planets and our solar system
-The sun, moon and stars
-Posing and answering questions
-Reading (novel study preparation)
-Maths Mentals
-Calculator practise
-Maths Revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 5 Term 2 Lesson Package
Philosophy Masters (English/HASS)
Light and Dark (Science/The Arts)
Identity and the Self (Health)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Philosophy Masters (English/HASS)
-History of Philosophy
-The Socratic Method
-Famous philosophical views
-Essay writing
-Primary and secondary sources
-Novel studies
-Plot summaries
-Character Profiles
-Division with a remainder
-Maths Mentals
-Word problems
-Fractions on a number line
Light and Dark (Science/The Arts)
-Light sources
-Artistic work including media arts
-Social and cultural themes in a novel
-Points of view
-24 hour time
-Nets and more complex 3D shapes
Identity and the Self (Health)
-Defining identity
-How are identities influenced?
-Seeking help for health and safety
-Peer pressure
-Emotional responses
-Media and identity
-Valuing diversity
-Thinking maps
-Literary responses
-Maths Investigation: profit/budgeting/presenting data
-Multiplication and factors practice
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
YEAR 5 Term 3 Lesson Package
The Olympiads (HPE/HASS)
Cyber Safety (Digital Technology/HPE)
Engineering (Design and Technology/STEAM)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
The Olympiads (HPE/HASS)
-The History of the Olympics
-Ancient Olympics
-Physical Challenges
-The Benefits of Physical Activities
-Plots and Devices for Story Writing
-Writing and Developing Children's Books
-Multiples and Factors
-Ordering Decimals
-Place Value with Decimals
-Maths Mentals
-Multiplication Practise
Cyber Safety (Digital Technology/HPE)
-Cyberattacks and Fraud!
-Being Safe Online
-Being a Positive Influence
-Healthy Relationships
-Cyber Security
-Literary Responses
-Writing and Developing Children's Books
-Cultural Stories
-Points of View
-Degrees of Formality
-Cartesian Planes
-Translations, Reflections and Rotations
-Measuring Angles
Engineering (Design and Technology/STEAM)
-Definitions and History of Engineering
-STEAM Projects and Activities
-Design and Engineering
-Gathering Data, Testing and Predicting
-Trial and Error/Problem Solving
-Writing and Developing Children's Books
-Topic Sentences
-Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation
-Creating Column Graphs, Dot plots, and Pie Charts
-Understanding Frequency Tables
-Maths Term Revision Booklet
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
Year 5 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Botany (Science/HASS)
Australian Pioneers (HASS/Language/HPE)
Food, Glorious Food (HPE/Design and Technology/Science)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
YEAR 6 Term 1 Lesson Package
Roman Myths and Legends (English/HASS)
Physics and Chemistry (Science)
Relationships and Wellbeing (HPE)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Main Lesson 1:
Roman Myths and Legends (English/HASS)
-Roman mythology
-Analyse characters, themes and plot
-Personal response and reflection
English 1
-Bias and opinion/Point of view
-Media influence and stereotypes
Mathematics 1
-Prime and composite numbers
-Squared and Triangular numbers
-Highest Common Factors and Lowest Common Multiples
-Simplifying Fractions
Main Lesson 2:
Physics and Chemistry (Science)
-Defining physics and chemistry
-Changes to materials: reversible and irreversible
-Transference and transformation of energy
-Hands on experiments paired with scientific reports and documenting
-Stereotypes in the media
-Science Blogs
-Informational Writing
-Word Study: Dictation
-Adding and subtracting fractions with the same and different denominators
-Fractions on a number line
-Maths Mentals
-The Metric System
Main Lesson 3: Relationships and Wellbeing (HPE)
-Mental health and wellbeing
-Healthy relationships
-Health and safety
-Community health
English 3
-Science Blogs
-Word Study: Dictation
-Scientific blogs
-Grammar revision
Mathmematics 3
-Chance Experiments
-Frequency tables
-Term 1 revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.
Year 6 Term 2 Lesson Package
Roman Politics (English/HASS)
Biology (Science/HPE)
Economics and Trade (Mathematics/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Main Lesson 1:
- Ancient history: Rome
- Roman Rule and Politics
- Crime and Punishment
- Timelines
- Roman Kings and Emperors
- The art of debate
- Debate practise and evaluation
English 1
- Comedy writing/storytelling (how to)
- Performance and delivery analysis
- Sharpening choices with verbs
- Modality, repetition, imagery and language patterns
- Spelling
- Cursive
Mathematics 1
- Calculating percentages 10, 25 and 50
- Finding discount prices
- Adding and subtracting decimals with and without a calculator or spreadsheet sums
- Estimation and rounding to check for reasonableness and Lowest Common Multiples
Main Lesson 2
- Growth and survival of living things
- Evolution
- Body systems and functions
- The human brain and neurology
- Human chemistry
- Drugs and Alcohol
English 2
- Comedy writing/storytelling
- Performance and delivery analysis
- Sharpening choices with verbs
- Spelling
- Cursive
- Dictation
Mathematics 2
- Volume and Capacity
- Problem solving in lengths and area
- Observed and expected frequencies
Main Lesson 3
- The Australian economy
- The history of trade
- Australian imports and exports
- Business
- Opportunity cost
- Consumerism
- Wealth and happiness
English 3
- Comedy writing/storytelling
- Performance and delivery analysis
- Spelling Revision
- Dictation
- Proofreading
Mathematics 3
- Probabilities using fractions, decimals and percentages
- Term Revision
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
Year 6 Term 3 Lesson Package
Roman Art (TheArts/HASS)
Australian Government (HASS/Mathematics)
Acoustics (Music/STEAM/Design and Technology)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Main Lesson 1
Roman Art
- Roman art and practises across a timeline
- Techniques and processes
- Art conventions and their contexts (social, cultural, and historical)
- Explore viewpoints, ideas and symbol systems
- Test and innovate with materials
Main Lesson 2
Australian Government
- The political development of Australia as a nation: 1900s onwards
- The levels of Government including their roles and responsibilities
- Voting
- Our laws and legal systems
- Global citizenship
Main Lesson 3
- Aural skills
- Dynamics and expression
- The elements of music
- Types of instruments and how they work
- Explore sound and how it works
- Hearing and parts of the ear
- How voices work
- Design and create instruments from found objects
- Create, perform and record compositions
- Annotated comprehension on topics of interest
- Text comparisons
- Analysing language features and text purposes
- Analyse the author’s voice
- Adding –ion to base word; predictable changes in consonants
- Affixes: base word plus prefix and base word plus suffixes
- Year 6 Modern Cursive
- Vocabulary building
Numbers and Algebra
- Multiply decimals by whole numbers
- Divide decimals Multiply decimals by powers of 10
- Equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages
- Order of operations
Measurement and Geometry
- Interpret and use timetables
Statistics and Probability
- Data displays
- Interpreting data
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale
YEAR 6 Term 4 Lesson Package (Revision Term)
Sustainable Design (STEAM)
Sacred Geometry (Mathematics/Visual Arts)
Africa (HASS/Languages/Music)
This term’s main lessons are offered in activities to choose from over the course of the main lesson (Physical, Intellectual, Socio-cultural, and Emotional/Connectedness), with examples for songs, verses, short tasks, and book work. It is much less extensive, and more student driven.
English and Mathematics are consolidated through checklists aligned with the Australian Curriculum. Suggested activities allow children to develop these skills and fill in any gaps.
Lastly, culminating tasks give students the ability to show some of their learning for portfolios.
This package includes:
-Main lesson verses, stories and activities
-English Checklists and activities
-Mathematics Checklists and activities
-A Special Interest Project template
-A Weekly timetable sample
English and Mathematics Checklists
PREP English and Mathematics Checklist
Checklists for English and Mathematics
-Aligned with the Australian Curriculum
-Simple language
-Easy to use
-Mark skills off as you go!
-Makes planning and assessment simple for homeschoolers and teachers
Year 1 English and Mathematics Checklists
Checklists for English and Mathematics
-Aligned with the Australian Curriculum
-Simple language
-Easy to use
-Mark skills off as you go!
-Makes planning and assessment simple for homeschoolers and teachers
Year 2 English and Mathematics Checklist
Checklists for English and Mathematics
-Aligned with the Australian Curriculum
-Simple language
-Easy to use
-Mark skills off as you go!
-Makes planning and assessment simple for homeschoolers and teachers
Year 3 English and Mathematics Checklists
Checklists for English and Mathematics
-Aligned with the Australian Curriculum
-Simple language
-Easy to use
-Mark skills off as you go!
-Makes planning and assessment simple for homeschoolers and teachers