YEAR 4 Term 1 Lesson Package
Of Gods and Giants - Norse Mythology (ENGLISH)
The Animal Kingdom (SCIENCE/HASS)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the childrens' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Of Gods and Giants - Norse Mythology (ENGLISH)
-Linking Devices
-Norse Myths and Legends
-Art and Design
-Speaking and Listening
-Point of View
-Numbers to 10, 000
-Using a calculator
-Mathematics Strategies
-STEAM (Science, Technology, Art and Engineering)
-Persuasive Speeches
The Animal Kingdom (SCIENCE/HASS)
-Animal Classifications
-Food Webs
-Food Chains
-Life Cycles
-Local Flora and Fauna
-Field Sketching
-Persuasive Texts
-Active Listening
-Money and Budgeting
-Calculator Practice
-Chance and Data
-Maths Mentals
-Investigation: 'Planning Ahead.'
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale