YEAR 5 Term 1 Lesson Package
Greek Mythology 1 (English/HASS)
Indigenous Games (HPE/Languages)
The Milky Way (Science)
-These step by step, day by day lesson plans are designed for homeschool families and Waldorf teachers. Each unit of work has been created with the students' developmental ages and stages in mind.
-This package includes a main lesson, numeracy and literacy lessons, and it includes all activities, songs, versus, workbook examples and printouts for 10 weeks per term.
-These units follow a patented 'Modern Waldorf' approach. They combine beautiful and natural elements of Rudolf Steiner's philosophies, with engaging activities based on the Australian Curriculum.
-Many lessons have 3 levels of difficulty to choose from.
Greek Mythology 1 (English/HASS)
-Myths and Legends
-Greek and Latin root words/prefixes/suffixes
-Identify themes in stories
-Creative writing
-Non-fiction Texts
-Maths Investigations
Indigenous Games (HPE/Languages)
-Physical Indigenous games
-Local Indigenous languages within games and social settings
-Specialised movements and ball sports
-Participating in cultural activities
-Non-fiction Texts
-Volume and Capacity
-Outcomes and Fractions
The Milky Way (Science)
-The planets and our solar system
-The sun, moon and stars
-Posing and answering questions
-Reading (novel study preparation)
-Maths Mentals
-Calculator practise
-Maths Revision
All Units
-Work samples
-Unique worksheets
-Extra ideas
Please try a sample before purchasing, as there are no refunds post sale.