Personal Assistance for Hubs and Schools.
Join our network of hubs and schools around the Southern Hemisphere!
This membership can be purchased for personalised assistance in launching a hub and/or utilisiing the Modern Waldorf curriculum within hubs or schools for more than one family unit. (Curriculum must be purchased separately).
-We have successfully integrated into schools, and assisted small to larger scale homeschool hubs successfully.
-With expertise in regulations, business growth, classroom and hub teaching, and with a back up multiage, holistic curriculum, we can assist you to get started and grow your business or hub.
-We can assist schools who want a fresh holistic approach, or help to reengage students, using our program.
-Modern Waldorf is growing at an exponential rate, and prices will not be this low by the end of 2024.
I look forward to hearing from you, and assisting you on your unique educational journey.